Journals Indexed
Scopus:Search indexed journal titles
Web of Science: Search indexed journal titles
Functionality Comparison
Features | Scopus | Web of Science Core Collection |
Update Frequency | Daily | Daily |
Content Coverage | • 42,474 total journals • 25,837 peer-reviewed active journals (5,400+ open-access journal titles) • 10.7 million conference papers • 252,000 stand-alone books • 2.35M total book chapters • Articles-in-Press for 5,000 journal titles | 21,894 journals, books, and conference proceedings (5,000 open-access journal titles) |
Historical Coverage | Full-cited reference indexing from 1970-Present Content back to 1788 | 1970-Present |
Subject Areas | 334 subject areas including: Arts & Humanities, Life Science & Biomedicine, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Technology | 235 Subject areas including: Arts & Humanities, Life Science & Biomedicine, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Technology |
Citation Overview | Yes | Yes |
Forward & Backward Citation Searching | Yes – Provides additional linking for ScienceDirect | Yes |
Citation Results Analyzer | Yes | Yes |
Citation & Article Alerts | Yes | Yes |
Author Search | Yes | Yes |
Author Profiles | Yes – Searches algorithmic profile clusters, and searches documents based on name, affiliation, and discipline. | Yes – Searches documents based on name, affiliation, and discipline. |
Journal Metrics | Yes – included in Scopus: CiteScore metrics, SNIP, and SJR | Yes – Separate subscription to Journal Citation Reports [JCR] required: Journal Impact Factor and Eigenfactor Score |
Author Metrics (h-index) | Yes | Yes |
Article-Level Metrics | PlumX Metrics (citation counts, usage, captures, mentions, and social media) | Citation Counts |
ORCID Integration | Yes | Yes |
Publisher | Elsevier | Clarivate Analytics |
Sort Results Based on Citation Frequency | Yes | Yes |
Controlled Vocabulary Search | Yes – Ei Thesaurus, EMTREE medical terms, MeSH, GEOBASE Subject Index, FLX Terms, WTA Terms, Regional Index, Species Index | No |
Integrated MeSH Terms | Yes – Indexed and searched | MEDLINE record imports linked MeSH terms but terms are not included in a search |
Coverage Comparison for Clarkson-Produced Research
Scopus: Clarkson University Affiliation Profile
Web of Science: Clarkson University Affiliation Profile