College / University Libraries

Along with Clarkson, these schools comprise the consortium of the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley.  Each extends borrowing of materials to each of the other colleges. You can visit in person to study, use digital resources on-site, or borrow materials directly. You can also request to have materials from these libraries delivered to the Clarkson campus through the interlibrary loan process

Public Libraries

There is a rich variety of print and digital resources available through the local public libraries.  All for FREE! You can visit any of the locations to browse, or explore digital resources online. You can obtain a library card at the library, or sign up online.

These libraries are closest to Clarkson:

The North Country Libraries System (NCLS) provides access to these online resources:

New York State Digital Resources

Provided by the New York State Library, this online virtual library connects all New York residents to a wide variety of eResources for free. Access includes the full text of thousands of journals, newspapers and other references.

New Yorkers accessing the databases through the NOVELny portal while in New York will be able to enter the databases via geoIP authentication (also referred to as geolocation) without entering a username/password or library card number.


If you live, work, or are a student in New York State you can also get digital library cards for these libraries: 

  • New York Public Library (NYPL)
    Get a Digital Library Card Today in a Few Easy Steps
    If you are 13 or older and live, work, attend school, or pay property taxes in New York State, you can get a free digital library card right now using this online form. With a digital library card you get free access to the Library’s wide array of digital resources—including e-books, databases, educational resources, and more. 

  • Brooklyn Public Library
    Welcome Card/eCard
    Online applicants for a library card can get instant access to BPL’s eBook and audiobook collection, and databases. To be eligible for a Welcome Card, patrons must enable location sharing via their web browser at time of application, and be geolocated within New York State.