Reserving Rooms in the Innovation Hub

What spaces are available for reservation?

Clarkson affiliates, please view this page for more information about available spaces in the ERCs Innovation Hub.

How Do I Reserve Space?

All of the spaces that are available for reservations (group collaboration, presentation rehearsal, and digital content creation), are available to request in the University EMS system. Priority use will be given to groups who are using a room for its intended purpose. For example, someone holding a video conference meeting will have priority over a standard in-person meeting. All rooms have a three hour maximum reservation length to allow for broad campus use and room keys can be checked out with the library circulation desk.

Who Can Reserve Space?

Quite simply, anyone in the Clarkson University community is welcome and encouraged to utilize the space for any activity related to the mission of the university. The Innovation Hub is a Clarkson resource, therefore at this time, outside groups are not allowed to reserve space within this facility.

What if Someone is Using the Room I Reserved?

All of the rooms are equipped with iPads that clearly display who has the room reserved at any given time during the day. Please knock on the door and politely let the occupant know that your reservation is beginning and ask them to vacate.

What is the General Etiquette for this Facility?

Are food and drinks allowed?
Short answer, yes, food fuels your brain, so snacks and drinks are allowed, but please use the dining facilities for meals. Longer answer, the dining facilities are better equipped for handling spills, smells, and waste. If you do bring snacks in, please be considerate of those around you – clean up after yourself and leave the space as you’d like to find it next time.

Can I hang flyers?
Sorry, flyers and posters hung on the walls in this facility will be recycled. Tape and other adhesives will damage the paint and quickly deteriorate the space. Please consider saving paper by using campus digital signage, email, social media, Knightlife, etc.

Is this a ‘no talking’ zone?
The Innovation Hub is not meant to be a quiet zone, but common courtesy rules still apply. If you anticipate needing privacy for a lively discussion, consider making a reservation for one of the available rooms.