Search Discovery allows you to search across the Library’s collections and includes:
- Books and journals (in print), e-books, archival materials and media owned by Clarkson University Library.
- WorldCat
- Research databases like Business Insights Essentials, CINAHL, APA PsycNET
- E-journal collections like JSTOR and Science Direct.
- Legal, government, and company information.
Using Discovery Search
Discovery Search retrieves all of the items it can find that meet your search terms, whether from individual publishers or from open-access scholarly repositories. Additionally, your search will include items not currently owned by Clarkson University Libraries. “Held by Other Libraries Worldwide” indicates an item can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
More Resources
Not everything we own is included in the Discovery Search, so you may wish to search individual research databases using the list of Databases. See the “Databases Included” list below for a complete list of resources indexed in the Discovery Search platform.
Not sure which database to search? Start with a Research Guide. If you have questions, ask a librarian.
Databases included in your search:
- Academic OneFile - Peer-reviewed, full-text articles from journals and reference sources, with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature, and other subjects. Also contains hundreds of podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN, and the CBC.
- ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) - Comprehensive coverage of computing and information technology topics. Access to tables of contents, abstracts, reviews, and full text of papers published in ACM journals. Clarkson subscription is journal content only; does not include ebooks. 1969+
- ArticleFirst (FirstSearch) - Popular culture, business, technology, science, medicine, humanities & social sciences journals. Provides citations and some links to full text. 1990 - present.
- Business Insights Essentials - Company and industry intelligence: detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports; company histories; deep research reflected in scholarly journals, business news and more.
- Cochrane Library - Medical reviews and protocol. It provides up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care and evidence to support decisions taking in health care and to those receiving health care. Search for systematic reviews, protocols, trials, methods studies, and more. Consists of 7 databases reflecting evidence-based medicine: Cochrane database of systematic reviews (meta analsyses summarizing and interpreting results of medical research); Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness (DARE); Cochrane central register of controlled trials (CENTRAL); Cochrane database of methodology reviews; Cochrane methodology register; Health technology assessment database (HTA); and NHS Economic evaluation database (NHS EED).
- Directory of Open Access Journals - Full-text, open-access, peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages. Covers all scientific and scholarly subjects. From academic, government, commercial, non-profit, and private sources.
- ERIC - OPEN ACCESS Free education-related sources of interest to educators, researchers, and the general public. Primarily electronic bibliographic records describing journal and non-journal literature. US Dept. of Education. Some full text. 1966+
- General OneFile - Periodical and news information on a diverse set of topics, including humanities, education, business, science, current events, art, politics, economics, social science, law, health care, computers, technology, environmental issues and general interest topics. Includes list of journals accessed.
- Health & Medicine Reference - Medical and professional periodicals, health and fitness magazines, and reference books and pamphlets. The database is designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers. The material contained in this database is intended for informational purposes only.
- JSTOR - Interdisciplinary archive of leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, business, and sciences. Full text access may not be available for all articles found; limited to titles that Clarkson subscribes to.
- Opposing Viewpoints - Provides full text access to differing points of view on current social issues. Brings together viewpoint articles, contextual topic overviews, government and organizational statistics, biographies of social activists, court cases, profiles of government agencies and special interest groups, newspaper and magazine articles, as well as links to more than 1,800 reviewed and subject-indexed web sites. 1980 - present.
- ProQuest Central - Covers more than 160 subjects areas and features a diversified mix of content including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, newspapers, reports and videos. Full-text and citation results.
- ScienceDirect - Full text articles and eBooks in physical, life, cognitive, and social sciences as well as engineering. Includes ScienceDirect journal archives 1823-1994 and Science Direct Freedom Collection, 1995 - present. Includes thousands of e-books with broad and favorable rights for scientific, scholarly and educational uses. Subjects include life, health and physical sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.
- Springer Journals - Subjects covered include Architecture and Design, Behavioral Science, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Economics, Chemistry & Materials Science, Computer Science, Earth & Environmental Science, Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences & Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Physics & Astronomy, Professional Computing & Web Design. Journal content only. Full text access may not be available for all articles found; limited to titles that Clarkson subscribes to. Volume 1 to present for subscribed titles.