Video Streaming
This page is intended to create guidance for faculty who are looking for video streaming options for the classroom and/or homework assignments.
Currently Available Streaming Services
See our Open Educational Resources guide to find freely available video resources.
Do you have questions or cannot find what you need?
The biggest factor in deterining how to show a video to your students is probably copyright considerations; unfortunately, copyright limits your options for classroom videos.
Common Copyright Questions
Can I show a DVD or Blu-Ray video in my classroom?
Yes, as long as it is for classroom instruction and no admission fee is charged.
Can I show a DVD or Blu-Ray video in a non-classroom context?
Generally not, unless permission has been obtained from the copyright holder.
Can I Stream a Netflix (or other streaming service) Video in My Classroom?
If you are using a video streaming service licensed through the library or your department that is intended for that purpose, yes.
What about personal streaming services?
Netflix does allow some films to be shown in an educational context under certain conditions. See their page here for details. You can search to see which films may be shown by educators.
However, make sure you are using approved films only, as most user agreements do not allow public screenings.
“When one signs a license agreement, he or she often gives away certain freedoms, such as copyright exceptions. The Netflix user agreement overtly conveys “the Software is only for your own personal, non-commercial use and not for use in the operation of a business or service bureau, for profit or for the benefit or any other person or entity.” Most copyright attorneys comprehend the phrase “for your own personal… use” as giving away your statutory exceptions to use section 110(1) and even section 107 (fair use).” – Kris Helge, Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of North Texas. “May One Stream a Netflix Video for In-Class Use?”
If you wish to use a streaming service to show a video in your classroom using a personal subscription, you will need to check your user agreement to see if it prohibits you from using it for a public showing.
For more information and other copyright questions, please visit our copyright page.