General Sites
Note that some of these resources also cover topics in history, environment, and conservation.
- Adirondack Association of Towns & Villages
- Adirondack Council
- Adirondack Mountain Club
- Adirondack Park Agency (APA)
- Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board
- Adirondack Regional Tourism Council
- Adirondacks.com
- Adirondacks Lakes Region
- Guide to the Adirondack Region
- NY State Department of Environmental Conservation – Adirondack Forest Preserve
- Adirondack-History.com
- Adirondack Architectural Heritage
- Adirondack History Center Museum
- Adirondack Journal
- Adirondack Museum
- Historic Saranac Lake
- History of Rail Service in NY state
- History of the Adirondack Guideboat
- NY State Library Digital Online Collections
- Oral & digital history of Reynoldston & Franklin Counties
- Adirondack Ecological Center
- Adirondack Futures
- Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies
- Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation
- Adirondack Land Trust
- Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA)
- Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program
- Adirondack Research Consortium
- Adirondack Watershed Institute
- Algonquin to Adirondacks Collaborative
- The Conservation Fund, Adirondacks
- Environmental Protection Agency
- The Nature Conservancy, Adirondacks
- Northern Forest Center
- NY Department of Environmental Conservation
- Open Space Institute
- Protect the Adirondacks
- US Geological Survey
- Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Adirondacks
- Adirondack Almanack
- Adirondack Base Camp
- Adirondack Daily Enterprise
- Adirondack Explorer
- Adirondack Express
- Adirondack Life Magazine
- Adirondack Trailhead
- North Country Public Radio
- Northern NY Historical Newspapers
- Adirondack Park Agency Annual Reports
- Adirondack Park Agency Land Unit Management Plan
- Adirondack Park Agency Policy on Energy Supply, Conservation, & Efficiency
- Adirondack Park Agency Rules & Regulations
- Adirondack Park Regional Assessment 2014
- Adirondack Park Regional Assessment Project – 2009
- Adirondack Park Regional Assessment Project – 2011 update
A special report on Adirondack Park population demographics that was commissioned by the Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages; 2011 update.
- Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan
- Article XIV of the New York State Constitution
- Citizen’s Guide to Adirondack Park Agency Land Use Regulations
- Fire Tower Study for the Adirondack Park
- Forever Wild Mandate Reports
- Northern Forest Biomass Energy Action Plan
- NYS Adirondack Park Agency Data Sets
- Snowmobile Plan for the Adirondack Park
- Wolf Reintroduction Feasibility Study
These websites may have other content for you to explore
- Adirondack All-Taxa Biodiversity Inventory
- Adirondack Bird Count
- Adirondack Research Guide
- Adirondack Research Library
- Digital Librarian’s Guide to the Adirondacks
- Thrive Together – The ADK Experiment
These libraries are local to Saranac Lake and offer a place for you to study. You may also register for community borrowing privileges.