
The mission of the Clarkson University Libraries is to provide comprehensive knowledge resources and services to support research, scholarship, teaching, and learning.  We are dedicated to offering collaborative support for exploration, discovery, and life-long learning skills to all Clarkson University faculty, staff, students, and to citizens of our local community no matter their location and with respect to diverse needs. To support this mission, we continually strive to support our users by:

  • Understanding our users’ needs.
  • Building collections and creating tools to support scholarly activities.
  • Provide technologically advanced access to resources.
  • Ensuring future access to collections and resources.
  • Creating welcoming physical and virtual environments.
  • Collaborating with faculty, staff, and students.
  • Advance local, national, and international library and information initiatives.
  • Support professional development of library faculty and staff.
  • Consider issues of sustainability in all of our practices.


The University Libraries is a center of intellectual inquiry and collaboration. Our vision is to cultivate a 21st century knowledge community to strengthen Clarkson’s academic excellence. To achieve this, we will utilize partnerships, improve learning spaces, develop collections, and offer innovative technologies to empower our users in an ever-changing information landscape.


In all of our exchanges, we are guided by these values:

  • Teamwork
    • We work together as colleagues, learning, growing, and changing for the betterment of our shared body of knowledge.
    • We work collaboratively with our academic partners to fulfill the academic needs of our clientele
  • Caring
    • We provide a nurturing atmosphere where learning and discovery can take place.
    • We treat everyone with respect and understanding.
    • We listen and encourage
  • Integrity
    • We are honest and accountable for our actions and following through on our obligations.
    • We adhere to the principles of fairness, impartiality, and equality in our work.
    • We promote the highest standards of our profession, including open and unprejudiced access to information.
    • We support and commit to the uppermost principles of scholarly integrity.
  • Vision
    • We maintain a current vision which allows us to comprehend and advance within our academic field.
  • Diversity
    • We treat everyone with equal thoughtfulness and consideration.
    • We encourage differences in perspective, beliefs and thoughts.
    • We consider the requirements and desires of others.
    • We provide an inclusive and diverse environment.
  • Service
    • We offer an environment that supports imagination, originality, flexibility, and collaboration.
    • We believe that our clientele is unique and important and each has individual needs.
    • We advance and respond to meet the changing needs of the organization and its users.
    • We maintain a welcoming environment that is safe for people to work, collaborate, research, study, reflect, and interact.
  • Growth
    • We encourage intellectual growth and learning processes.
    • We celebrate the seeking of certainty and fact through dialogue and investigation.
    • We foresee and contribute to scholarly inquiry.
    • We promote the Library as a learning environment, both physical and virtual.  
    • We embrace our role as collectors and guardians of the intellectual record.
  • Diligence
    • We commit ourselves to academic excellence.
    • We seek out the best professionals and assets to accomplish our goals.
    • We support individual advancement and organizational improvement.
    • We work meticulously and conscientiously to surpass the expectations of our clientele.