- 4 Days, 4 Nights
- A Casa
- A Family Gathering
- A Song for the People
- A Vision
- Abandon
- Abbraccio
- Above the Desert
- Abstract
- Abstract Adobe Village
- Abstract Deer
- Abstract Southwest Landscape
- After Ben
- Al Viento
- Alone
- American Warrior
- American Warrior #3
- Ancient Sky
- Apache Elder
- Apache Midnight Warrior
- Autumn
- Autumn Treasures
- Ballerina
- Bear Fetish
- Beauty of Opals Triptych
- Big Tree
- Birch Trees
- Bird Spirit
- Birds
- Birth of the Mountains
- Bison
- Blessings of a Sunrise
- Blue Dog in the Desert
- Blue Kachina
- Blue Morning Star
- Bords De L’orne
- Bowl, Blue with Green Leaves
- Bowl, Kutani
- Bronco Buster
- Brown Tree
- Buffalo Warrior
- Camargue
- Camus ZT
- Canyon of the Flute Player
- Cavallino in Liberta
- Cavallo Stallone
- Cedar Blessing
- Cello Player
- Chinle Woman
- Cipher
- Circle of Life
- Clarkson Athena
- Colloquio D’Amore
- Conversation IV
- Coyote Survivor
- Crimson Robe
- Crow Lodges
- Crow Res Cop I
- Crow Res Cop II
- Crow Res Cop III
- Crow Res Cop IV
- Crying Female
- Crystal Rug (1976)
- Dancer at the Taos Pow-Wow
- Dangerous Moments
- Daughters of Santa Claras
- Dawn Horizon
- Dawn Warrior
- Deer’s Chant
- Defeated Warrior
- Desert Clouds
- Desert Horizon
- Diné
- Diné World
- Dineh
- Directions
- Directions
- Discipline
- Distant Mesa
- Donna
- Dos
- Dos Negros / Los Amigo
- Dreams of Thunder
- Drying Pumpkins
- Eagle
- Eagle
- Eagle Dreams
- Egyptian Faces
- El Valle en Blanc
- Emerging Spirits
- Empathy
- Ephemeral Stream
- Evening Calm
- Evening Mist
- Eyes of the Southwest
- Fall Forest
- Family by Window
- Fancy Dancer 151
- Fetching Water
- First Snow
- Fish
- Fish Tales
- Flock of Geese
- Flowers (Daffodils in Vase)
- Flowers in Window
- Flute Player
- Following the Herd
- Formation of Identity II
- Forrest
- Friends
- Gatherers
- Geronimo
- Girl
- Grandmother
- Grapevine and Crimson
- Green Kachina
- Green Point
- Grizzly Bear
- Gromace
- Gromace
- Groundwater
- Group of People
- Gypsy Girl
- Gypsy Girls
- Harvest Song
- Hawk Warrior
- Hayoka Feathers
- Hello Friend
- Home Distillery
- Hopi Kasita
- Hopi Maiden
- Hummers
- Hummingbird Remembrance
- Imari Vases
- In the Still of the Dawn
- Indian Madonna
- Indian Paintbrush
- Kachina 1
- Kachina 2
- Kachina 3
- Kachina 4
- Kachina 5
- Kachina 6
- Kachina 7
- Kachina 8
- Kachina 9
- Kachina Figures
- Kachina Spirits
- Kachina Spirits
- Kalispell I
- Keeper of the Feathers
- Kiva IV
- Knin
- Knowledge
- Kokopelli
- Kotor Children (Scene from Coast)
- Kraljevica (Town on Coast)
- KRK, One
- KRK, Two
- La Canasta
- La Coqueta
- La Famiglia
- Landscapes
- Learning to Live
- Light on the Water
- Lighting of Humanity
- Little Blue Buff
- Long Hair Spirit
- Lucassie Ikkidluak
- Magda & Adelena
- Man with a Shield
- Manton del Bisonte
- Manton Gris
- Maree Montante
- Medicine Woman
- Messengers of Songs
- Moon Dancer
- Moon Deity
- Moonlight Songs
- Morning Blossom
- Morning Song
- Mother and Child
- Muskox
- Native Dancers
- Native Face
- Nature’s Cycle
- Navajo Couple
- Navajo Dance
- Navajo Spirits
- New Guinea Faces #1
- New Guinea Faces #2
- New Guinea Faces #3
- New Guinea Faces #4
- New Guinea Village
- Nude
- Olive Trees
- Outdoor Scene in Vermont
- Oyster Bay Mississippi
- Oyster Bay Mississippi (Small Version)
- Pasqua Dancers State 1
- Pawnee Ceremonial Drum
- Peasant with a Donkey
- Pensatore
- Persimmon
- Peyote Dream
- Peysage (Trees Picnic Area)
- Plate, Blue and Orange
- Polymergraph (4)
- Pony
- Portrait
- Portrait
- Portrait of Egon Matijevic
- Portrait or Mrs. Matijevic
- Prayer Feathers
- Prayers of Mother Earth
- Presence
- Pueblo
- Pueblo Maidens
- Pueblo Motif
- Pueblo Spirits
- Pumpkin Harvest
- Quiet Conversation
- Quiet Pride
- Rain Clouds Over Mesa
- Rainbow Dancer
- Ram Kachina
- Rancho de Taos
- Ready for War
- Red Earth Motif
- Red Lines: Abstract Polymergraph
- Red Planet Dragonflies
- Red World Beginning
- Remembrance #1
- Remembrance Composition: Subtle Light of Morning Blue Sky
- Reservation Wash
- Returning Home
- Risveglio
- Roofs
- Roofs of Rijeka
- Sacred Spirits
- Sailor with a Pipe
- San Francisco
- Sand Dunes
- Santo Domingo Bowl
- Searching
- Seis En Oro
- Sentinel
- Sentinel
- Seussaroid
- Shipwreck, Dark Blue
- Silent Wind
- Sioux Dress
- Six Sketches (Not all on Display)
- Sky Hawk V/VII
- Solar System
- Solmnity
- Southwest Image
- Spawn of Directions
- Spirit of an Eagle
- Spirit of the Eagle Dance
- Spirit Shadows
- Spotted Eagle Tells a Story
- Springtime
- Stag
- Stampede
- State of Serenity
- Still Life (Mushrooms, Flowers, China Plate)
- Still Nature (Flowers & Bronze Figure)
- Still Nature (Oysters)
- Storm Over Taos
- Studio Window
- Summer Day
- Summer Hawk
- Summer’s Heat Dance
- Sun Turtle
- Sun Warrior
- Sundog
- Sunrise on the Whistling Waters
- Sunset Landscape
- Surf Scene
- Symphony of Colors Triptych
- Taos Shadows
- Taos Woman
- Teenage Violinist
- Teepees Absaroke Camp
- The Buffalo Signal
- The Dancers
- The Elder
- The Elder
- The Elders (Morning Prayer Feathers)
- The Face of Thunder
- The Lake
- The Lovers
- The Path to Home
- The Spinners
- The Weaver
- The Weaver and the Shepherd
- Thoughts of Yesteryear
- Three Peasant Women
- Three Sisters
- Three Women
- Three Women of Corn
- Through the Sage
- Thunder Calling
- Thunder on the Plains
- Thundering Herd
- Time Keepers
- Toro
- Trail of Tears
- Trail of Tears O The Journey
- Tranquility
- Transition
- Tribal Mother
- Trinity
- Trio
- Trio in the Breeze
- Turquesta
- Turtle
- Turtle Clan / Mother Turtle
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Untitled
- Vase, Green Floral
- Vase, Horsehead Design
- Vicinity of Pljesivica
- Village Landscape
- Village Scene with Church
- Waiting for the Great Spirit
- Waiting Women
- Walking Woman
- Wandering Spirits
- Water Carrier
- Water Earth Sky
- Water is Life
- Wind Swept
- Winds of Change
- Winter
- Winter
- Winter Moon
- Winter’s Silence
- Wise Elder 14/100 Framed
- Wise Elder 69/100 Unframed
- Woman in Grief
- Woman in Pendleton Blanket
- Women of Taos
- Yei Ceremonial Dance
- Yellow Sky
- Yesterday They Rode