Dr. Masudul H Imtiaz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Clarkson University. Dr. Imtiaz teaches two ECE Sophomore level courses (EE260 Embedded System and EE264 Introduction to Digital Design) and a senior/graduate-level mixed course (EE402/502 Machine Learning on Biomedical Signal). Dr. Imtiaz is in charge of the EE610 ECE Graduate Seminar. He also conducts EE699 MS-EE Graduate Project each Fall and Spring quarters, a non-credit seminar project to provide a capstone experience for Electrical Engineering graduate students. In Spring 2023, Dr. Imtiaz is also teaching the Biomedical Instrumentation module of BR400 Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals.
Currently, in Spring 2023, Dr. Imtiaz is advising four Ph.D., three MS, and twenty-three undergraduate students. With his students, Dr. Imtiaz’s research focuses on developing and fabricating wearable sensor systems; mHealth; preventive, diagnostic, and assistive health technologies; the next-generation innovative biometric sensor systems; etc. His research funding is from Clarkson University Team Science Grant, Governmental and Private Industries through NSF CITeR, etc.
At Clarkson, Dr. Imtiaz has established and is currently leading the collaborative research lab, AI Vision, Health, Biometrics, and Applied Computing (AVHBAC), and the Center for Advanced PCB Design and Manufacture (CAPDM). Beyond these, Dr. Imtiaz actively works with the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) and the Center for Rehabilitation Engineering, Science, and Technology (CREST). Dr. Imtiaz is also an active member of the Computer Engineering Curriculum Committee, ECE Lab Committee, ECE Seminar Coordination Committee, CREST advisory committee, Manufacturing Minor Committee, etc., thus serving towards revising current and developing new academic curricula, developing cutting-edge research environment and cohort, and broadening professional and outreach activities.
Short Biography
Dr. Imtiaz obtained a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Applied Physics, Electronics, and Communication Engineering from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His MS thesis was on ‘Design and Software Implementation of a Real-Time Automated ECG Diagnosis System Using Multi-resolution Wavelet Transform.’ After completing his MS, Dr. Imtiaz served as an Electrical and Communication Engineering Lecturer at the Institute of Science and Technology, the National University of Bangladesh, from 2012-2015. Dr. received his PhD in the Summer of 2019 from the University of Alabama for the dissertation research on ‘Wearable Sensor Systems to Study the Physiological and Behavioral Manifestation of Cigarette Smoking in Free-Living.’ During his graduate study, Dr. Imtiaz’s overall research was on sensor design and modeling, firmware development, machine learning on sensor signals, sensor testing, and sensor-based health monitoring. Before he joined Clarkson University in the Fall of 2020, Dr. Imtiaz also served as a postdoctoral fellow (2019-2020) at the University of Alabama. This postdoctoral research involved the development of a lightweight exoskeleton system customized as a portable gait data collection and monitor system, the first stage towards developing a Lower-Limb Prosthesis for the amputee population.
A full list of publications is available in the Google Scholar and ResearchGate.