About Capital Region Campus GSA
The purpose of the CRC-GSA shall be to advocate on behalf of the Clarkson University Capital Region Students and provide a connection to the administration and Potsdam GSA on behalf of the Clarkson University Capital Region Students, especially in reference to the development of policy. The CRC-GSA shall provide a secure space for the Clarkson University Capital Region Students to voice opinions, and raise awareness of problems and concerns associated with departments, graduate school, physical spaces, and Clarkson University as a whole. The CRC-GSA shall organize programs and events which strengthen and enhance the community experience amongst the Clarkson University Capital Region Students. The CRC-GSA shall encourage and facilitate multi-disciplinary collaboration across all departments in order to foster a vast network amongst the Clarkson University Capital Region Students in all disciplines.
Constitution coming soon …

Tatiana Johnson
M.S. student in Art of Teaching

Jacqueline O’Donnell
Master of Arts in Teaching student

Aditya Narayan Rajmane
Master of Arts in Teaching student
CRC-GSA Advisors

B.S. in Chemistry
Assistant to the Chair
NYSED Certification Officer
Education Department

Assistant Director &
Certification Officer
Education Department