About Dr. Achuthan


Dr. Achuthan earned his B.Tech from Calicut University in 1994 , his M.S. from The Indian Institute of Technology in 1998 , his M.E. from The National University of Singapore in 2000, and his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2004. From 2004 to 2009, he worked at General Electric as a Mechanical Engineer. He joined Clarkson University in 2009 is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Research Interests

Dr. Achuthan’s expertise is in the areas of solid mechanics and advanced materials. His group applies the principles of solid mechanics to address critical challenges in various technological applications by developing innovative solutions. Currently, his research interest is primarily in the area of the additive manufacturing of metals. He is particularly interested in studying the mechanism of microstructure evolution, the role of the evolved microstructure on mechanical properties, and various micro-scale deformation mechanisms. The insight gained from these studies is then used to develop appropriate constitutive models. Advanced experimental and computational tools are used/developed to help the investigation. These tools include: 1) material characterization techniques such as optical imaging, SEM and nanoindentation, 2) continuum based computational models such as crystal plasticity based constitutive models, finite element analysis (FEA) models, and 3) molecular dynamics (MD) models.




Office: 266 CAMP Building

Mailbox: CU Box 5725

Google Scholar Page

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ResearchGate Page

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