CAMP and the NCCAVS CMP Users Group are excited to co-host the 27th International Symposium on Chemical-Mechanical Planarization (CMP)!
The meeting will be held July 27 – 30, 2025, in Saratoga Springs, NY. Saratoga Springs is a beautiful upstate NY town only 45 mins drive from Albany International airport.
Chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP) has come to occupy a central role in many industrially important technologies, especially in semiconductor manufacturing. The 27th International Symposium on CMP, hosted by Clarkson University’s Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) in conjunction with the US CMP Users Group, is the leading forum to hear leading-edge ideas and technologies relating to CMP along with ample time to network with colleagues in the CMP field.
We will have an exciting line-up of speakers, keynotes, and plenaries – approximately 30 in total – please check below for updates!
Plenary Speakers Announced!
Dr. Bahar Basim
Engineering Manager (Planar and DE Productivity) & Program Lead, Intel Corp.
With over two decades of experience in microelectronics research and development, integration, and yield enhancement, Dr. Basim is a recognized expert in her field. She has held significant roles at Intel Corporation and Texas Instruments and multiple academic appointments. In her current role at Intel Corporation, Dr. Basim works on 3-D NAND development with the Non-Volatile Memory Scaling and Architecture Group. She is currently part of the Logic Technology Development Productivity and Selection Team, focusing on new technology introduction.

Dr. Paul Bernatis
Fellow, DuPont Advanced Cleans Technology
With considerable experience in nanoparticles and surfaces gained from decades of working in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, Dr. Bernatis is a leader in developing formulations used for cleaning applications. His work at DuPont requires the development of selective chemistries to remove tenacious residues from delicate structures. Most recently, his focus has been on developing new formulations for post-CMP cleaning of cutting-edge devices with sub-10 nm geometries that contain corrosion-sensitive metals.

Registration & Hotel Information:
Symposium site:
Gideon Putnam Hotel, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Registration is Open!
To register, click here.
Registration rates listed below include symposium attendance, breakfasts and lunches (Monday-Wednesday), receptions on Sunday and Monday, and the symposium dinner (on Monday, July 28). Hotel rooms are to be paid separately.
Full Registration: $900
Speaker Registration: $650
ClarksonU Faculty/Staff Registration: $650
Student Registration: $250
Hotel accommodation details:
The Gideon Putnam is offering a discount rate of $249/night for the CAMP CMP Symposium attendees. Please make your reservations via this website.
(Note: If you navigate separately to the Gideon Putnam website, you may receive a “We are closed” message….this is only because CAMP has a block reservation in place. To overcome this, make sure to select CODE TYPE: GROUP and then put in Code: KGN72725ISCMP).
There are many other hotels in Saratoga Springs to consider. Please note, however, these may be 1-2 miles from the Gideon Putnam Hotel so you will need to plan for travel to/from the Gideon Putnam.

About Saratoga Springs:
Saratoga Springs is in picturesque upstate New York and has a lot of things to see and do. The Adirondack Mountains are only a short drive away and Saratoga Springs is internationally known for its horse racing.
Check out more about Saratoga Springs here.
Please reach out to Leila Boyea at the CAMP office (, CAMP Director Devon Shipp (, or CAMP Business Development Director Eric Xu ( if you have questions.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Dr. Hojoong Kim (Micron)
Dr. Jason Keleher (Lewis University)
Dr. Arunkum G.V. (IBM)
Dr. Knut Gottfried (Fraunhofer ENAS)
Dr. Taesung Kim (SKKU)
Dr. Jongheum Lim (Ebara)
Dr. Jaedong Lee (KCTech)
Dr. Gaurang Gadkari (IBM)
Dr. Dayo Afekare (DuPont)
Dr. Pritpal Dhillon (EMD US)
Dr. Jamie Stromberg (3M)
Dr. Toshi Kasai (IBM)
…. more to come soon!
(note that papers are invitation only)
Draft Schedule (subject to change)
SUNDAY, July 27, 2025
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Registration & Hotel Check-In
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Welcome Reception
MONDAY, July 28
7:00 am – 8:00 am Breakfast
8:00 am – 9:50 am SESSION A (Includes Plenary Speaker 1)
9:50 am – 10:15 am Break (25 min)
10:15 am – 12:00 am SESSION B
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm Open Time
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm SESSION C
5:40 pm – 7:00 pm Poster Session (for students) and Reception
7:00 pm – late Dinner (on own)
TUESDAY, July 29
7:00 am – 8:10 am Breakfast
8:10 am – 9:50 am SESSION D (Includes Plenary Speaker 2)
9:50 am – 10:15 am Break (25 min)
10:15 am – 12:00 pm SESSION E
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm Open Time
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Panel for Students: Topic TBA.
4:00 pm – 5:40 pm SESSION F
5:40 pm – 6:30 pm Reception
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm 2025 International CMP Symposium Dinner & Keynote Address
7:00 am – 8:30 am Breakfast Buffet
SESSION G: Session Title
8:30 am – 9:50 am SESSION G
9:50 am – 10:15 am Break (25 min)
10:15 am – 12:30 pm SESSION H
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch & Depart
Find out more about CAMP at our main website:
Find out more NYSTAR’s Centers of Advanced Technologies (CATs):
To learn more about the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society (NCCAVS) CMP Users Group, visit: