
Journal Papers

(46) Ahmad, A., Sadeque, F., and Baki, A.B.M. (2025). “Integrating wind prediction techniques for wave modeling – A case study for Seton Lake.” International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, (under review).

(45) Yu, Z, Loewen, M., Zhou, Y., Guo, Z. Baki, A.B.M., and Zhang, W. (2025). “Continuous Near-Bed Movements of Microplastics in Open Channel Flows: Statistical Analysis.” Environmental Science & Technology,

(44) Tusher, M.S., Dewitt, E., Rahman, Z.R., and Baki, A.B.M.(2024). “Bed-load transport within a channel dominated by instream boulders.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, (under review).

(42) Haque, A., Shenderovich, T., Uschold, F., Treichel, A., Holsen, T.M., and Baki, A.B.M. (2024). “Microplastics Pollution Status in a Tributary of the Hudson River: Fishkill Creek.” Environmental Engineering Science, DOI: 10.1089/ees.2024.0105.

(43) Rahman, M.Z., Baki, A.B.M., Ghamry, H., and Katopodis, C. (2024). “Exploring local sediment erosion and deposition patterns around instream boulders: An experimental investigation – I.” Journal of Ecohydraulics, (under review).

(42) Rahman, M.Z., Baki, A.B.M., Ghamry, H., and Katopodis, C. (2025). “Fish spawning habitat suitability for local bed change around instream boulders: Experimental investigation – II.” Journal of Ecohydraulics, (accepted).

(41) Reggad, N., Golpira, A., Baki, A.B.M., Ghamry, H., and Katopodis, C. (2024). “Turbulent-based habitat complexity metrics around instream boulders in support of river restoration.” Scientific Reports (under review).

(40) Mahmud, F., Roy, H., Wasif, M.M., Mahmud, M., Saikat, M.N., Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., and Islam, M.S. (2024). “A critical review of microplastic analysis from sampling to characterization.” Journal of Water Process Engineering, (under review).

(39) Ijaz, U., Baki, A.B.M., W. Wu, and Zhang, W. (2024). “Settling velocity of microplastics in turbulent open-channel flow.” Science of The Total Environment, 946, 174179,

(38) Haque, A., Holsen, T.M., and Baki, A.B.M. (2024). “Distribution and risk assessment of microplastic pollution in a rural river system near a wastewater treatment plant, hydro-dam, and river confluence.” Scientific Reports, 14:6006,

(37) Sarker, M.A.B., Imtiaz, M.H., Holsen T.M., and Baki, A.B.M. (2024). “AI-Vision based camera sensor for real-time underwater microplastics detection.” Sensors, 24(13), 4394,

(36) Yang, G., Yu, Z, Peng, X., Zhou, Y., Baki, A.B.M., and Zhang, W. (2024). “Settling behaviors of microplastic disks in acceleration fall.” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202, 116296,

(35) Ahmad, A., Rahman, Z.R., Reggad, N., Haque, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2024). “Comparative study on wake flow with submerged macroroughness elements” Acta Geophysica,

(34) Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M., Ghamry, H., and Katopodis, C. (2023). “Influence of Boulder Submergence Ratio on Local Flow Field: Implications for Sediment and Fish Instream Habitat.” Ecological Engineering, 193, 106997,

(33) Ijaz, U., Baki, A.B.M., Abdul-Aziz, O. I., Zhang, W., and Christian, A.D. (2023). “The effects of large roughness elements on the in-stream transport and retention of polystyrene microplastics.” Scientific Reports, 13, 6522,

(32) Yang, G., Yu, Z, and Baki, A.B.M., Ross, M., and Zhang, W. (2023). “Settling behaviors of microplastics disks.” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 188, 114657, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114657.

(31) Azimi, A.H., Ahmad, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2023). “Effect of ramp slope on the efficiency of hump weirs in free flow condition.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,

(30) Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M., Ghamry, H., Katopodis, C., Withers, J., and Minkoff, D. (2021). “How does boulder placement affect spatial habitat metrics in streams.” Scientific Reports, 12, 13156,

(29) Golpira, A., Baki, A.B.M., and Azimi, A.H. (2021). “Effects of sampling configurations of acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) on turbulence measurements around large roughness elements.” Acta Geophysica,

(28) Banadue, D., Razvan, V., Voicu, L., Baki, A.B.M., Serrano, I., and Banaduc, A. (2021). “Coştei hydrographic diversion node, a historical environment quality and biological resources accessibility game changer; anthropogenic induced problems and sustainable solutions – an ichthyologic perspective.” Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, 23(3):87-114.

(27) Zobeyer, H., Baki, A.B.M., and Nowrin, S.N. (2021). “Interaction between tandem cylinders in open channel: Impact on mean and turbulent flow characteristics.” Water, 13(13), 1718;

(26) Baki, A.B.M., and Azimi, A.H. (2021). “Hydraulics and design of fishways II: vertical-slot and rock-weir fishways.” Journal of Ecohydraulics,

(25) Golpira, A., Baki, A.B.M., and Zhu, D.Z. (2021). “Turbulent events around an intermediately submerged boulder under wake-interference flow regime.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 147(7),

(24) Thapeta, S. K., Bhallamudi, S. M., Chandra, V., Fiener, P., and Baki, A.B.M. (2021). “Energy loss in step open channels with step-pools.” Water, 13, 72.

(23) Golpira, A., Baki, A.B.M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2020). “Higher-order Velocity Moments, Turbulence Scales, and Energy Dissipation Rate around a Boulder in a Rock-ramp Fish Passage.” Sustainability, 12(13), 5385.

(22) Golpira, A., Huang, F., Baki, A.B.  (2020). “The effect of habitat structure boulder spacing on near-bed shear stress and turbulent events in a gravel bed channel.” Water 2020, 12, 1423.

(21) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., and Healey, K. (2019). “Hydraulic design aspects of rock-weir fish passes for habitat connectivity.” Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2(2), 122-141.

(20) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., Healey, K. (2017). “Rock-weir fishpass. I: Flow regimes and hydraulic.” Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2(2), 122-141.

(19) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., Healey, K. (2017). “Rock-weir fishpass. II: Design evaluation and considerations.” Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2(2), 142-152.

(18) Baki, A. B. M., Zhang, W., Zhu, D. Z. and Rajaratnam, N. (2016). “Flow structures in the vicinity of submerged boulder within a boulder array”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 143(5), 04016104.

(17) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z. and Rajaratnam, N. (2016). “Flow simulation in a rock-ramp fishpass.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 142(10), 04016031.

(16) Hulsman, M. F., Cahill, C. L., Erwin, A. C., Lunn, B. D., Tonn, W. M., Howland, K. L., & Baki, A. B. M. (2016). ”Influence of potential fish competitors on Lake Trout trophic ecology in small lakes of the Barrenlands, N.W.T, Canada.” Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42, 290–298.

(15) Marriner, B. A., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Thiem, J. D., Cooke, J. S., and Katopodis, C. (2015). “The hydraulics of a vertical slot fishway: a case study on the multi-species passing Vianney-Legendre fishway in Quebec, Canada.” Ecological Engineering, Elsevier90, 190-202.

(14) Courtice, G., Baki, A. B. M., D. Z., Cahill, C. L., and Tonn, W. M. (2014). “Stream habitat connectivity in the Canadian Arctic: an onsite approach to design and construction.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 43(2),139-150.

(13) Cahill, C. L., Erwin, A. C., Howland, K. L., Hulsman, M. F., Lunn, B. D., Noddin, F., Tonn, W. M., Baki, A. B. M., Courtice, G., and Zhu, D. Z. (2015). “Assessing responses of fish to habitat enhancement in Barrenlands streams of the Northwest Territories.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 45(4), 755-764.

(12) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z. and Rajaratnam, N. (2015). “Turbulence characteristics in a rock-ramp type fish pass.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 141(2), 04014075.

(11) Courtice, G., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Cahill, C. L., and Tonn, W. M. (2014). “Stream modifications to enhance system connectivity for fish habitat compensation: a case study in the Barrenlands region of Canada.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(7), 650-659.

(10) Marriner, B. A., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Thiem, J. D., Cooke, J. S., and Katopodis, C. (2014). “Field and numerical assessment of turning pool hydraulics in a vertical slot fishway.” Ecological Engineering, Elsevier, 63, 88-101.

(9) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z. and Rajaratnam, N. (2014). “Mean flow characteristics in a rock-ramp type fish pass.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 140(2), 156-168.

(8) Hossain, M. A., Gan, T. Y., and Baki, A. B. M. (2013). “Assessing morphological changes of the Ganges River using Satellite images.” Quaternary International, Elsevier, 304, 142-155

(7) Breton, F., Baki, A. B. M., Link, O., Zhu, D. Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2012). “Flow in nature-like fishway and its relation to fish behaviour.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(6), 567-573.

(6) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., and Courtice, G. (2011). “Hydraulic geometry and resistance to flow in small headwater streams in the Northwest Territories, Canada.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(12), 1252-1263.

(5) Baki, A. B. M., and Gan, T. Y. (2012). “Riverbank migration and island dynamics of the braided Jamuna River of the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin using multi-temporal landsat images.” Quaternary InternationalElsevier, 263, 148-161.

(4) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Hulsman, M. F., Lunn, B. D., and Tonn, W. M. (2011). “The hydrological characteristics of a stream within an integrated framework of lake-stream connectivity in the Lac de Gras Watershed, N.W.T., Canada.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39(3), 279-292.

(3) Korte, T., Baki, A. B. M., Ofenböck, T., Moog, O., Sharma, S., and Hering, D. (2010). “Assessing river ecological quality with benthic macroinvertebrates in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region.” HydrobiologiaSpringer Science, 651(1), 59-76.

(2) Baki, A. B. M., Bari, M. F., and Haque, M. I. (2008). “An analysis of upstream withdrawal scenarios using geo-spatial approach in the Surma-Kushiyara river basin.” Journal of Civil Engineering, IEB, Bangladesh, 36(2), 97-109.

(1) Hadiuzzaman, M., Baki, A.B.M., and Khan, S.M. (2006). “Pollution status and trends in water quality of the Shitalakhya and Balu rivers. Journal of Noami, 23(2), 1-19.

(27) Ahmad, A., Haque, A., Tusher, M.S., Zobyer, H., Baki, A.B.M. (2024). “Effects of large-roughness elements on mixing of Rhodamine WT dye in open channel: An experimental investigation”. Proceedings of CSCE Annual Conference Niagara Falls, June 5-7, 2024, Ontario.

(26) Zia, S.B., Sara Ferdousi, S., Baki, A.B.M., Azimi, A.H., and Zobyer, H., (2024). “Mean and turbulent flow characteristics downstream of a horizontal cylindrical obstacle”. Proceedings of CSCE Annual Conference Niagara Falls, June 5-7, 2024, Ontario.

(25) Risen, Q., Haque, A, Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M., Christian, A.D., Jork, J. (2024). “Effect of wastewater treatment plants on microplastics in mussels and their surrounding environment.” Proceedings of EWRI Congress 2024, 348, May 19-22, Milwaukee, WI.

(24) Treichel, A., Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M. (2024). “Microplastic pollution in a canal: Seasonal and spatial impact”. Proceedings of EWRI Congress 2024, 385, May 19-22, Milwaukee, WI.

(23) DeWitt, E., Baki, A.B.M., and Wu, W. (2023). “Effect of instream boulders on bedload transport.” Proceedings of the SEDHYD 2023 Conference, 8-12 May 2023, St. Louis, MO.                            

(22) Sarker, M.A.B., Butt, U., Imtiaz, M.H., and Baki, A.B.M. (2023). “Machine vision for microplastics detection in the aqueous environment.” Proceedings of the IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC 2023) 8-11 March 2023, Virtual Conference.                                                                         

(21) Matin, N., Zobeyer, H., and Baki, A.B.M. (2022). “An evaluation of thirty higher-order upwinding schemes for modeling pure advection.” Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June 2022, Granada, Spain.

(20) Butt, U., Fuentes, L.D., Pierce, R., and Baki, A.B.M. (2022). “Experimental investigation of the effects of vegetation on the physical transport and retention pattern of microplastics.” EWRI Congress 2022, June 5-8, 2022, Atlanta, GA.

(19) Tota, A., Baki, A.B.M., Christain, A., Golpira, A., Montgomery, I., and Falkens, A. (2022). “Experimental investigation of flow characteristics within mussel’s mesohabitats.” EWRI Congress 2021, June 5-8, 2022, Atlanta, GA.

(18) Pierce, R., Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2021). “A comparative study of mean and turbulent flow fields around a boulder within a boulder array and an individual boulder.” CSCE Annual Conference, May 26 – 29, 2021, Virtual Conference.

(17) Golpira, A., Pierce, R., and Baki, A.B.M. (2021). “Influences of boulder placement on stream habitat quality metrics.” EWRI Congress 2021, June 7 – 11, 2021, Virtual Online.

(16) Golpira, A., Koehler, K., All, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2020). “An Experimental Study: Effects of Boulder Spacing on Mean and Turbulent Flow Characteristics” EWRI Congress 2020, May 17 – 21, 2020, Henderson, NV.

(15) Baki, A. B. M., Golpira, A., Rampinelli, C., Patrizion, L., and Zhu, D. Z. (2019). “Numerical modeling of nature-like fishpass using a 2D shallow water model” CSCE 2019 Hydro technical Conference, June 12th to15th, 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada (abstract submitted).

(14) Baki, A. B. M. and Zhu, D. Z. (2019). “Numerical modeling of rock-weir fish passes: Effects of structure geometries on water surface profiles” EWRI Congress 2019, May 19 – 23, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA (abstract submitted).

(13) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., and Healey, K. (2016). “Numerical modeling of rock-weir type nature-like fishpasses.” CSCE 2017 Hydro technical Conference, May 31-June 3, 2017, Vancouver, Canada.

(12) Kupferschmidt, C., Baki, A. B. M., Jean, M. E., and, Zhu, D. Z. (2014). “Flow characteristics in pool-weir fishway.” 10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2014, June 23-27, Trondheim, Norway.

(11) Baki, A. B. M., Courtice, G., Zhu, D. Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2013). “Some hydraulic characteristics localized around boulders in a rock ramp type nature–like fishpass.” CSCE 21st Canadian Hydrotecnical Conference, 14-17th May, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

(10) Courtice, G., Baki, A. B. M., Cahill, C., Tonn, W. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2013). “Ecohydraulic evaluation of in-stream structures for habitat connectivity in headwater streams in the Northwest Territories.” CSCE 21st Canadian Hydrotecnical Conference, 14-17th May, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

(9) Baki, A. B. M., Courtice, G., Zhu, D. Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2012). “Exploring the potential fish pathways in an experimental rocky ramp type nature-like fishway.” 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012, September 17-21, Vienna, Austria.

(8) Breton, F. J., Link, O. L., Baki, A. B. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2011). “Flow field characterization of a nature-like rocky-ramp fishway.” (in Spanish). Annual meeting of Chilean Society of Hydraulics Engineering (SOCHID), 19th October, Chile.

(7) Baki, A. B. M., Hulsman, M. F., Lunn, B. D., Zhu, D. Z., Tonn, W. M., and Howland, K. L. (2011). “An eco-hydrological investigation of stream fish habitat in the Lac de Gras Watershed, N.W.T., Canada.” 34th IAHR World Congress, 26 June-1 July, Brisbane, Australia.

(6) Baki, A. B. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2010). “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling of shallow wakes in open channel flows.” 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, 17-21 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

(5) Breton, F. J., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Rajaratnam, N. and Katopodis, C. (2010). “Exploratory experimental study of rocky ramp type nature-like fishway.” International Symposium on Hydraulic Physical Modeling and Field Investigation, Sept. 13-15, Nanjing, China.

(4) Bari, M. F., and Baki, A. B. M. (2008). “Effect of transboundary flow regulation on wetland and riparian livelihood in the Surma-Kushiyara basin.” A Future of Extremes, 11th International River Symposium, September 01-04, Brisbane, Australia.

(3) Hossain, M. M., Baki, A. B. M., and Ahmad, S. S. (2008). “The flood problem and mitigation methods in Bangladesh.” 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence: Managing Flood Risk, Reliability and Vulnerability, May 6-8, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

(2) Korte, T., Hering, D., Baki, A. B. M., Ofenboeck, T., Vogl, R., and Hartmann, A. (2008). “Development of a multimetric index for the application in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region.” International Conference on Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya Ecology and Environmental Assessment, March 03-07, Kathmandu, Nepal.

(1) Baki, A. B. M., Bari, M. F., Haque, M. I., Masud, M. S., Khan, A. S., and Marchand, M. (2007). “Effect of upstream storage dam and diversion barrage on river-wetland connectivity in a selected area of the Surma and Kushiyara river basin.” International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), March 12-14, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

(22) Bayly, M., Baki, A. B. M., Hicks, T., and Faulkner, S. (2018). Taltson Twin Gorges generating station project – South Gorge flow diversion modelling. Consultant’s report prepared by Ecofish Research Ltd. for Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC), 2018.

(21) Baki, A. B. M., and Lewis, A. (2018). Taltson entrainment risk: Intake velocities – Draft V1. Consultant’s report prepared by Ecofish Research Ltd. for Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC), Dec 14, 2017.

(20) Ganshorn, K., Baki, A. B. M., Jensma, T., and Lewis, A. (2017). RSEM Management: Proposing new end-of-pipe limits for RSEM discharge. Consultant’s report prepared by Ecofish Research Ltd. for BC Hydro Site C. March 17, 2017.

(19) Healey, K., Akaoka, K., Baki, A. B. M., Faulkner, S., and Hatfield, T. (2017). Dry creek instream flow study. Consultant’s report prepared by Ecofish Research Ltd. for Teck Coal Limited. January 30, 2017.

(18) Wright, N., Baki, A. B. M., Romano, J., Akaoka, K., Hatfield, T. (2017).  Effect of groundwater pumping on Chemainus river flow and temperature. Consultant’s report prepared by Ecofish Research Ltd. for Municipality of North Cowichan, BC. December 15, 2016

(17) Abell, J., Yu, X., Imam, Y., Laval, B., Mazumder, A., Baki, A. B. M., Dinn, P., and Hatfield, T. (2016). John Hart dam seismic upgrade assessment of the effects of drawdown on water quality. Draft V1. Consultant’s report prepared for BC Hydro by Ecofish Research Ltd, December 14, 2016.

(16) Faulkner, S. G., Ganshorn, K., Lacroix, D., West, D., Healey, K., Baki, A. B. M, and Lewis, A. (2016). Ashlu Creek hydroelectric project operational environmental monitoring program Year 5. Consultant’s report prepared for Ashlu Creek Investment Limited Partnership by Ecofish Research Ltd., March 30, 2016.

(15) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Harwood, A., Lewis, A., and Healey, K. (2015). Design aspects of boulder-weir fishpasses for habitat connectivity: Part-I. NSERC IRDF Research’s Report prepared for Ecofish Research Ltd., August 26, 2015.

(14) Imam Y., Baki, A. B. M., West, D. (2015). Stream temperature model applied as part of the Narrows Inlet hydro project Chickwat Creek component updated aquatic environmental assessment (2015). Consultant’s report prepared for BluEarth Renewables Inc. by Ecofish Research Ltd., June 25, 2015.

(13) Baki, A. B. M., West, D., Lewis, A., Ganshorn, K., Healey, K., Ellenor, J., and Woodruff, V. (2015). Mossom creek salmon spawning pools: numerical modeling and design. Draft-V1. Consultant’s report prepared for Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society at Mossom Creek Hatchery, Port Moody, BC.

(12) Baki, A. B. M., Lewis, A., Tu, Z. West, D., and McDonnell, D. (2015). Main channel contouring at the enhancement Site C, 109L Upper. Draft V1, Consultant’s report prepared for BC Hydro by Ecofish Research Ltd. February 03, 2015.

(11) Wright, N., Sparling, M., Dashti, S., Baki, A. BM., Ganshorn, K., Imam, Y., and Lewis, A. (2014). Lower Mamquam hydroelectric project Year 4 annual monitoring report. Draft V1. Consultant’s report prepared for Atlantic Power Corporation by Ecofish Research Ltd. December 1, 2014.

(10) Lewis, A., Baki, A. BM., and Ganshorn, K. (2014). Review of the McLymont Creek tailrace design for fish stranding issues. Draft V1, Consultant’s report prepared for Atlantic Power Corporation by Ecofish Research Ltd. June 14, 2014.

(9) Baki, A. B. M., Lewis, A., and Ganshorn, K. (2014). Design modifications to the fishway at the Forrest Kerr Hydroelectric Project. Draft V1, Consultant’s report prepared for Atlantic Power Corporation by Ecofish Research Ltd. March 14, 2014.

(8) Langford, M. T., Baki, A. B. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2013). Bridge-Seton fish entrainment strategy: Computational fluid dynamic modeling of Seton, Carpenter and Downton reservoirs. Final report submitted to BC Hydro, June, 2013.

(7) Courtice, G., Cahill, C., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., and Tonn, W. M. (2012). Preliminary evaluation of M-Lakes fish habitat compensation project. Report submitted to Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (DDMI), June, 2012.

(6) Baki, A. B. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2009). The pre-construction field conditions during summer 2009 regarding fish habitat compensation project (hydraulic part). Report submitted to Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (DDMI), February, 2009.

(5) Hartmann A., Moog, O., Ofenböck, T., Korte, T., Sharma, S., Hering, D., and Baki A. B. M. (2007). ASSESS-HKH methodology manual describing fundamentals & application of three approaches to evaluate the river quality based on benthic invertebrates: HKH screening, HKH score bioassessment & HKH multimetric bioassessment. Deliverable 10, European Commission., 71, December, 2007.

(4) Baki, A. B. M., and Haque, M. I. (2006). Development of tools for flood plain processes in haor area of the Northeast region of Bangladesh. Report submitted to the Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), Dhaka, Bangladesh, June, 2006.

(3) Ph. D. Thesis (2013). Flow characteristics in small Northern streams and nature-like fishpasses. A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta.

(2) M. Sc. Thesis (2007). Effect of upstream withdrawal on river-wetland connectivity in Surma-Kushiyara Basin. Department of Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering.

(1) B. Sc. Thesis (2004). Computation of flow profiles by numerical methods. Department of Water Resources Engineering , Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Water Resources Engineering.

Guest Lectures/Seminars:

(14) Baki, A.B.M. and Haque, A. (2024). “Microplastics contamination across water sources.” Organized by Northern New York Water Workers Conference, Water/Wastewater Treatment Training Seminar, April 2024, Potsdam NY.

(13) Baki, A.B.M. and Haque, A. (2024). “Distribution of microplastics pollution in the rural rivers of upstate New York. Graduate seminar organized by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, March 14, 2024.

(12) Baki, A.B.M. and Haque, A. (2024). “Microplastic pollution in the Raquette and Grasse rivers.” A seminar organized by the Potsdam Climate Smart Committee, the Canton Sustainability Committee, St. Lawrence Health, and Talking Rivers. Canton NY, February 05, 2024.

(11) Baki, A.B.M. (2023). “Health of the Raquette River with microplastic contamination.” A seminar organized by organized by Talking Rivers, Virtual, August 09, 2023.

(10) Baki, A.B.M. (2023). Flow fields around bluff body using state-of-the-art techniques. Graduate seminar organized by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, March 10, 2023.

(9) Baki, A.B.M. (2022). Ecohydraulic approaches for effective ecological river restoration. A seminar organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 18, 2022.

(8) Baki, A.B.M. (2022). Ecohydraulic approaches for effective ecological river restoration. A seminar organized by the Water Resources Engineering Department, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 17, 2022.

(7) Baki, A.B.M. (2022). Ecohydraulic approaches for effective ecological river restoration. Graduate seminar organized by the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, October 7, 2022.

(6) Baki, A.B.M. (2021). Teaching and research towards healthy riverine ecosystems. A seminar organized by NYWEA-Clarkson Chapter, Clarkson University, Potsdam, November 02, 2021.

(5) Baki, A.B.M. (2020). Flow hydrodynamics around habitat structures. A seminar organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 7, 2020.

(4) Baki, A.B.M. (2019). Flow hydrodynamics around a submerged habitat structure. A seminar organized by the Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), Dhaka, Bangladersh, December 17, 2019.

(3) Baki, A.B.M. (2019). Nature-like fishpasses for aquatic connectivity of riverine systems to conserve and restore fish habitat. Graduate seminar organized by the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, May 3, 2019.

(2) Baki, A.B.M. (2017). Environmental hydraulics for sustainable water resources infrastructure. Graduate seminar organized by the Institute for a Sustainable Environment, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, 24th October, 2018.

(1) Baki, A.B.M. (2017). Environmental hydraulics for sustainable water resources infrastructure. A seminar organized by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Alberta, Canada, 24th November, 2017.

(50) Christopher, S., Tusher, M.S.H., Baki, A.B.M., and Langen, T. (2024). Assessing movement of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) juveniles downstream through rock ramps and rock weirs. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 24, 2024.

(49) Daniels, A., Ijaz, U., and Baki, A.B.M. (2024). Transport of low density microplastics in riverine systems. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 24, 2024.

(48) Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M. (2024). Effect of rainfall and land use on the sources of microplastic in a canal: A case study. New York State Microplastics Summit, June 5-7, 2024, University at Buffalo, NY.

(47) Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M., 2024. Effects of rainfall and landuse on microplastic pollution in a canal ecosystem. 2nd Annual Meeting, NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, May 15-16, 2024, SUNY ESF, Syracuse, NY.

(46) Haque, A., Shenderovich, T., Treichel, A., Uschold, F., Pacht, A., Walsh, B., Holsen, T.M., Baki, A.B.M. (2024). Microplastics pollution status in a tributary of Hudson River: A participatory science approach. 2nd Annual Meeting, NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, May 15-16, 2024, SUNY ESF, Syracuse, NY. 

(45) Risen, Q., Treichel, A., Shahariar, M.N.K., Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M. (2024). Microplastic distribution in snow at various levels of human influence. 2nd Annual Meeting, NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, May 15-16, 2024, SUNY ESF, Syracuse, NY.

(44) Sarker, M.A.B., Imtiaz, M.H., Holsen, T.M., Baki, A.B.M. (2024). AI-Vision based camera sensor for real-time underwater microplastics detection. 2nd Annual Meeting,  NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, May 15-16, 2024, SUNY ESF, Syracuse, NY.

(43) Haque, A., Treichel, A., Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M. (2024). Effect of rainfall on microplastic accumulation in a canal ecosystem. EWRI Congress 2024, May 19-22, 2024, Milwaukee, WI.

(42) Baki, A.B.M., Reggad, N., Golpira, A., Ghamry, H., Katopodis, C. (2024). Habitat complexity metrics around instream boulders in support of river restoration. 15th ISE-FP 2024 Conference, May 5-9, Quebec City, Canada.

(41) Ahmad, A., Sadeque, F., and Baki, A.B.M. (2023). Modelling over-water wind patterns based on wind data from weather stations. AGU23, 11-15 December, San Francisco, CA.

(40) Haque, A., Shenderovich, T., Baki, A.B.M., Pacht, A., Walsh, B., and Holsen, T.M. (2023). Microplastics pollution status in a tributary of Hudson River: Citizen science approach. 2023 HEP State of the Estuary Conference, November 29, 2023, NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program.

(39) McKillop, S., Rahman, M.Z., Baki, A.B.M. (2023). Instream boulders effects on substrate spawning habitat of fish species. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 27, 2023.

(38) Treichel, A., Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., Holsen, T.M. (2023). Microplastic accumulation in creek systems after rainfall events. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 27, 2023.

(37) Mancini, E., Jock, J., Bowman, C., Baki, A.B.M. (2023). Determining the optimal fish host strain and water quality for freshwater mussel propagation and growth. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 27, 2023.

(36) Zhu, N., Sarker, M.A.B., Baki, A.B.M., Imtiaz, M.H. (2023).Advancing AI-Vision-enabled microplastic monitoring through YOLO models and underwater imaging. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 27, 2023.

(35) Reggad, N., Baki, A.B.M., and Golpira, A. (2023). Habitat hydraulic complexity metrics around boulders in a rock-ramp arrangement in support of river restoration. EWRI Congress 2023, May 21-25, 2023, Henderson, NV.

(34) Rahman, M.Z., Dewitt, E., Baki, A. Ghamry, H, and Katopodis, C. (2023). Local sediment erosion and deposition patterns around instream boulders. EWRI Congress 2023, May 21-25, 2023, Henderson, NV.

(33) Sarker, M.A.B., Butt, U., Imtiaz, M.H. and Baki, A.B.M. (2023).Robust automatic identification of microplastics using AI-vision. 1st Annual Meeting, NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, March 12-13, 2023, SUNY ESF, Syracuse NY.

(32) Haque, A., Baki, A.B.M., and Holsen, T.M. (2023). Riverine microplastic pollution: Protocol of sample collection, preparation and identification. 1st Annual Meeting, NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, March 12-13, 2023, SUNY ESF, Syracuse NY.

(31) Sarker, M.A.B., Butt, U., Imtiaz, M.H., and Baki, A.B.M. (2022). Application of deep learning and machine vision for micoplastics detection. Measurement, Sensor Systems, and Applications Conference (MEAS), 24-26 August, 2022, Online version.

(30) Ryan B., DeWitt, E., Rahman, M.Z., Golpira, A. and Baki, A.B.M. (2022). Effects of instream habitat structure boulders concentration on salmonid spawning conditions. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 28, 2022.

(29) Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M., Ghamry, H., Katopodis, C., (2022). Nature of flow and turbulence structures in the wake of instream natural boulders. EWRI Congress 2022, June 5-8, 2022, Atlanta, GA.

(28) Searles, A., Tota, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2022). Freshwater Mussels: Experimental investigation of the impact of flow. The NY Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 10, 2022, Virtual Online. 

(27) DeWitt, E., Baki, A.B.M., Wu, W., and Moran, S.D. (2021). Wind-generated waves on the East shore of Lake Ontario for better erosion predictability. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 29, 2021.

(26) Montgomery, I., Tota, A., Golpira, A., Falkens tein, A., Baki, A.B.M., and Christain, A. (2021). Flow hydrodynamics in mesohabitata of freshwater mussels. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 29, 2021.

(25) Pierce, R., Fuentes, L.D., Butt, U., and Baki, A.B.M. (2021). A comparative study of varying vegetation densities to help understand the effects vegetation has on flow regime characteristics. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 29, 2021.

(24) Fuentes, L.D., Pierce, R., Butt, U., and Baki, A.B.M. (2021). Physical transport and retention properties of micro-plastics in a vegetated channel. Summer Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, July 29, 2021.

(23) Zougari, M., Widrig, R., Baki, A.B.M., Spacher, P.J., and Renschler, C.S. (2020). Combining spatiotemporal datasets for analyzing climate- and weather-based Lake Ontario shoreline changes. STRATUS Conference, May 17-19, 2021, Virtual Online.  

(22) Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2020). Effects of in-stream boulder placement on flow complexity and aquatic habitat quality. The NY Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 24-26, 2021, Virtual Online.  

(21) Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2020). Flow characteristics around boulder habitat structures: Enhancing habitat restoration. 4th Annual Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University, April 24-26, 2020.

(20) Baki, A.B.M. (2020). Nature-like fishpasses for aquatic connectivity to conserve and restore fish habitat. The NY Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 5-7th, 2020, Lake Placid, NY.  

(19) Golpira, A., and Baki, A.B.M. (2020). Mean and turbulent flow characteristics within an array of boulders with different boulder spacing. The NY Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 5-7th, 2020, Lake Placid, NY.

(18) Zhu, D. Z., Langford, M. T., Baki, A. B. M., Kupferschmidt, C., Marriner, B. A., Kamal, R., and Cooke, S. (2016). Eco-hydraulics for sustainable hydropower. International Conference to Officially Launch the Journal of Ecohydraulics, May 28-29, Beijing, China.

(17) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z. and Rajaratnam, N. (2014). Hydraulics of rock-ramp type fishways and their fish habitat suitability. NSERC HydroNet 4th Annual Symposium, April 29- May 2, Vancouver, British Columbia.

(16) Kupferschmidt, C., Jean, M. E., Baki, A. B. M., and, Zhu, D. Z. (2014). Flow characteristics of pool-weir fishways with natural rock construction. NSERC HydroNet 4th Annual Symposium, April 29- May 2, Vancouver, British Columbia.

(15) Langford, M. T., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu. D. Z. (2013). Computational fluid dynamic modeling of the Seton, Carpenter and Downtown Reservoirs on the Bridge and Seton river systems. NSERC HydroNet 3rd Annual Symposium, April 9-11, Montreal, Quebec.

(14) Marriner, B. A., Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Thiem, J. D., Cooke, J. S., and Katopodis, C. (2013). Field and numerical assessment of turning pool hydraulics in a vertical slot fishway, relative to fish passage. NSERC HydroNet 3rd Annual Symposium, April 9-11, Montreal, Quebec.

(13) Baki, A. B. M., Courtice, G., Zhu, D. Z., Cahill, C., Erwin, A., Tonn, W. M., and Howland, K., (2013). Assessment of Arctic stream habitat under a fish habitat compensation project:
hydrological and hydraulic point of views. Circumpolar Student’s Association 13th Annual Northern Research Day, March 28, Edmonton, Canada.

(12) Baki, A.B.M., Zhu, D. Z., and Rajaratnam, N. (2012). Some hydraulic aspects in an exploratory rocky ramp type nature-Like fishpass. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Graduate Student Poster Competition, March 22, Edmonton, Canada.

(11) Erwin, A., Baki, A. B. M., Cahill, C., Courtice, G., Howland, K., Hulsman, M., Lunn, B., Tonn, W. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2013). Evaluating fish habitat compensation in the Canadian Arctic. The 34th Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, March 1st to 3rd, BC, Canada.

(10) Courtice, G., Baki, A. B. M., Cahill, C., Erwin, A., Howland, K., Hulsman, M., Lunn, B., Tonn, W. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2013). Evaluating fish habitat compensation at Diavik Diamond Mines, NWT. Workshop organized by NWT Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program (CIMP), January, Yellowknife, Canada.

(9) Zhu, D. Z., Langford, M., Robertson, B., Islam, M. R., Marriner, M., Baki, A.B.M., Leake, A., Higgins, P., and Cooke, S. (2012). Hydraulic modeling for healthy aquatic ecosystem. NSERC HydroNet 2nd Annual Symposium, March 20-22, Vancouver, British Columbia.

(8) Baki, A. B. M., Zhu, D. Z., Courtice, G., and Rajaratnam, N. (2012). Some hydraulic aspects of Nature-Like Fishpasses under a fish habitat compensation project. NSERC HydroNet 2nd Annual Symposium, March 20-22, Vancouver, British Columbia.

(7) Mirecki, N., Baki, A. B. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2011). Some flow velocity aspects in an exploratory experimental fishpass structure. 27th Celebration of WISEST Summer Research Program, University of Alberta, 16th August, 2011.

(6) Hulsman, M. F., Lunn, B. D., Baki, A. B. M.,  Tonn, W. M., Howland, K. L., and Zhu, D. Z.  (2011). Assessing fish habitat compensation projects on the Barrenlands tundra, Northwest Territories, Canada. American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting, 4-8 September, Seattle, USA.

(5) Hulsman, M. F., Lunn, B. D., Baki, A. B. M.,  Tonn, W. M., Howland, K. L., and Zhu, D. Z. (2011). Before-after-control-impact approaches to assessing lake and stream habitat manipulations on the barrenlands tundra near Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories. 64th Meeting of the Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, 6-8 January, Toronto, Canada.

(4) Hulsman, M. F., Lunn, B. D., Baki, A. B. M., Tonn, W. M., Zhu, D. Z., and Howland, K. L. (2010). Improving habitat connectivity to enhance productive capacity of Arctic lakes and streams. Workshop organized by Diavik’s Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board, 4th February, Yellowknife, Canada.

(3) Lunn, B. D.,  Hulsman, M. F., Baki, A. B. M.,  Tonn, W. M., Zhu, D. Z., and Howland, K. L. (2010). Improving habitat connectivity to enhance productive capacity of arctic freshwater ecosystems. Workshop organized by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), 5th November, Yellowknife, Canada.

(2) Baki, A. B. M., and Zhu, D. Z. (2009). The pre-construction field conditions during summer 2009 regarding fish habitat compensation project (Hydraulic Part). Workshop organized by Golder Associates with Diavik’s Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board, 27th October, Edmonton, Canada.

(1) Bari, M. F., and Baki, A. B. M. (2007). Effect of changing flow regimes due to upstream storage and diversion on wetland and agricultural productivity in the Surma-Kushiyara basin. Asia Oceania Geo Sciences Society (AOGS2007), 4th Annual Meeting July 31- 4 August, Queen Sirikit Convention Center, Bangkok.