The 12-meter long sediment recirculating hydraulic channel was designed and installed in 1993. The channel is used to study:
- sediment transport in rivers with free surface conditions
- scour around bridge piers in ice-covered channels
- woody debris hydraulics, and
- hydraulics of vegetated channels.
The channel is 0.45-meters wide and 0.6-meters deep. The flow rate can vary between 0 and 0.06 cms. The slope of the channel can be adjusted between 0.01% and 4.5%. Water level at the downstream boundary is controlled by a vertical sluice gate. Sediment is recirculated in the channel by means of a slurry pump connected to a floor trap at the downstream end of the channel. The slurry is pumped to the upstream end of the channel and pumped to the upstream end of the channel.