This is a single image, video, or image carousel that spans the entire width of the front page.

  • Featured Slider (AKA “Jumbotron”, or “Image Carousel”)
  • Image

All steps in this tutorial are assuming you are logged into your website and located on the dashboard or the main page.

  1. Assuming you are on the front (“home”) page, of your website, click the customize icon with the paintbrush on the admin toolbar at the top.
  2. Click on ‘Featured Slider’
  3. Click on ‘Slider Type’
  4. Ensure the Enable Slider On drop down has selected the “Front Page Template” option.
  5. Ensure the Select Slider Type drop down has selected the “Featured Pages” option.
  6. On the No. of Slides, pick the number of slides you would like to display.
    1. You have several options of displaying these images. See #9 for more information.
    2. These images come as featured images on individual pages. You cannot upload images into a gallery and set them as the images.
    3. Select the pages you want to feature on the slide show. You have three options.
    4. The Read More Text pertains to the button in the middle of the Jumbotron. Feel free to change this.
  7. Click on the Published button at the top right of the customizer. This step is optional, and can be done after the next few steps.
  8. Click on the left arrow at the top, this will take you back a menu.
  9. Click on Slider Options.
    1. Transition Effect is what the slide does when it changes to a different image. If you have a single image, this will not apply.
    2. Transition Delay is how long the delay is between images.
    3. Transition Duration is how long the transition itself lasts between images.
    4. Enable Caption displays the Title and a summary of the featured page (typically, the summary is the first 30 words of the page).
    5. Enable Arrow shows the arrows for the slider on the left and right hand side of the jumbotron.
    6. Enable Pager is the number of pages shown below the button at in bar format.
    7. Enable Autoplay is the auto play of images.
    8. Enable Overlay is the dark overlay behind the words, buttons, etc. and will replace it with a box of your content.

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