All steps in this tutorial are assuming you are logged into your website and located on the dashboard or the main page.

Adding a Document with or Without a Download Button
  1. Navigate to the page you want to add your document to.
  2. Click on the rounded plus sign icon, and search for File.
  3. Select the File icon.
  4. You will have two options.
    1. Upload the file (pdf, docx, excel, etc) into the media library.
    2. Media Library where you can select an already uploaded item.
  5. Select one of the two options and make sure the meta information such as the Title of the document, the Alt text, Caption and description of the item.
  6. On the right hand side of the screen in the block settings, select if you want the download button to apply with the document. This is a toggle switch that allows you to remove the button.
Adding a Document via just Linking
  1. Navigate to the page you want to add your document to
  2. Add text or content to the page, highlight the word or phrase and click on the chain link icon.
  3. Insert the document URL from the Media Library and hit the downward and left arrow to apply the link.
  4. Now you have a document linked, without a download button and within the content.

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