Questions posed to interviewees for the “Stories from the Circle” project:

  1. What are your thoughts on this monument (the Columbus statue in downtown Syracuse)? 
  2. What histories does the monument or the site where it’s located represent to you? 
  3. What do you want people to know about the monument?
  4. What histories and stories do you want people who come to this site to be aware of?
  5. How does your personal history or family history shape your feelings about the monument?1
  6. How do you think we should think about this site and its history in ways that can decrease polarization and address its complexities?
  7. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the monument or the downtown circle that we haven’t asked about?

1 Questions 5 & 6 adapted from InterFaith Works Facilitator Guide for 2018-19 Columbus Day Dialogues.