
CUEMS runs Duty Crews from 10pm to 6am on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights during the academic year. Outside of these times, CUEMS members are notified via pager when there is a medical emergency on campus and will respond from wherever they are on campus. CUEMS members are also available for special events such as orientation week and graduation.


CUEMS members advance through the following educational ladder:

Assistants: Assistants make up the majority of CUEMS and are trained in taking vitals, Basic Life Support (CPR, AED, Choking), lifting and moving patients, and evaluating medical histories. Assistants work under the direct supervision of the Crew Chief. Many go on to become EMTs.

EMTs: CUEMS employs New York State certified EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians). EMTs are trained in a wide variety of skills including:

  • Patient assessment/Physical Exams
  • BLS for the Healthcare Provider
  • Control of life threatening medical and trauma conditions
  • Airway management
  • Medication administration
  • Treatment of shock
  • Patient movement

Crew Chief: CUEMS Crew Chiefs are experienced EMTs who lead a CUEMS crew, make clinical decisions regarding patient care, and coordinate the use of additional resources.


CUEMS crews are dispatched through Clarkson Campus Safety and Security. Duty Crews are paged through an 800 MHz radio. During the day, an “All Call” is sent to all active CUEMS members through ActiveAlert. Once a Crew Chief is responding, other members join them at the scene.

Partner Agencies

We work closely with Clarkson Campus Safety and Security and Potsdam Volunteer Rescue Squad when responding to calls on campus. When not running calls on campus, many of our members volunteer at Potsdam Rescue and Potsdam Fire Department.