What does CUEMS mean?

CUEMS stands for Clarkson University Emergency Medical Services. This is often abbreviated to Clarkson EMS, CUEMS, or just EMS.

What does CUEMS do?

CUEMS is a New York State Certified Basic Life Support First Response (NYS-BLSFR) Agency, carrying all Basic Life Support (BLS) drugs and adjuncts approved for EMTs in New York State in the North Country Region. We provide free emergency medical evaluation and care to all members and visitors on the Collins Hill Campus in Potsdam NY.

When is CUEMS available to respond to emergencies?

CUEMS runs Duty Crews from 10pm to 6am on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights during the academic year. Outside of these times, CUEMS members are notified via pager when there is a medical emergency on campus and will respond from wherever they are on campus. CUEMS members are also available for special events such as orientation week and graduation.

When should I call CUEMS?

You should call CUEMS anytime you feel that a medical emergency exists that requires immediate care. A true emergency can be defined as anytime that you may feel that someone’s well-being is threatened by their condition. This may include, but is not limited to: unresponsiveness, chest pain, difficulty breathing, severe intoxication, or serious injury. If you are unsure about someones condition, call CUEMS at (315) 268-6666.

Will I get in trouble for calling CUEMS?

According to the Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Exemption outlined in the Clarkson University Student Regulations:

“Students or organizations who call for assistance on behalf of an individual(s) who is in need of medical attention due to consumption of alcohol and/or drugs, and who themselves may be in violation of the University’s Policy on Alcoholic Beverages and Drug Policy, are eligible for the Good Samaritan exemption. In cases where the Good Samaritan exemption applies, the student(s) calling for assistance will not be considered in violation of policy related to alcohol and drugs, and the organization calling for assistance will not be sanctioned for a violation relating to alcohol and drugs.”

What should I do when I call CUEMS?

Whether you call CUEMS or 911, you will be connected to a dispatcher. These dispatchers will ask you a series of questions to determine what resources are needed. These questions may include:

  • Name and phone number of caller (in case you are disconnected).
  • Location of incident.
  • Approximate age and sex of patient.
  • Nature of the emergency.
  • Is the patient conscious and breathing?
  • Is the patient speaking coherently?
  • Are there any hazards present? (Chemical Spills, Crowds, Hostile Bystanders)

Can CUEMS take me to the hospital?

CUEMS is a non-transporting agency and is unable to take you to the hospital. We provide treatment and support until one of our emergency response partners arrive to transport you. Based on your condition, you may be able to self-transport to the hospital or urgent care.

Will I have to pay for being evaluated or treated by CUEMS?

CUEMS provides services free of charge to the Clarkson community. If you are transported to the hospital or are evaluated by Potsdam Volunteer Rescue Squad, a cost may be incurred from their billing department. Ambulance fees are generally covered by most insurance agencies; contact yours for more information.

Is my medical problem confidential?

CUEMS is committed to ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of every call. Though CUEMS members may be students and staff you could be familiar with, CUEMS members will maintain a professional relationship and keep medical concerns private.