About Dr. Cetinkaya


Jesanis Endowed Chair Prof. Çetinkaya’s background is in acoustic and thermoelastic wave propagation, dynamics, vibration, computer algebra, and computational/analytical mechanics. His applications/interest areas include nano/micro-particle and biological cell adhesion, acoustic micro-devices, drug delivery modalities, laser-based nondestructive testing/evaluation, and non-invasive real-time monitoring of manufacturing processes. He received his B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1986, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 1991 and 1995, respectively. In 1995-97, he worked for Wolfram Research, Inc. (Mathematica) as a researcher and a project coordinator, while serving as an adjunct assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Currently, he is a professor of mechanical engineering at Clarkson University, and is serving as the director of the Photo-Acoustics Research (PAR) Laboratory. Based on his research with Pfizer and Wyeth and associated IP, Prof. Çetinkaya has founded a start-up spin-off company, Pharmacoustics Technologies, LLC, offering characterization and manufacturing monitoring instruments and IP to the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. He is a member and a faculty advisor for the Clarkson chapter of the Tau Beta Pi Association (Engineering Honor Society). Prof. Çetinkaya is an ASME Fellow.


Email: ccetinka@clarkson.edu

Phone: 315/268-6514

Office: 241 CAMP Building

Mailbox: CU Box 5725

Google Scholar Page

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ResearchGate Page

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